How Much Compost Do I Need?

One question we get many so times each year is: how much compost do I need? Also, what *actually* is a cubic yard, and how do I calculate cubic yards to gallons?! Worry not - we're here - with calculators - to walk you through it!


Our compost is best used in outdoor spaces like garden plots, raised beds, and outdoor planters. (If you want to give your houseplants a boost, keep reading - our vermicompost work best!) A two inch topdressing with our compost in the spring AND fall will keep your soil healthy and productive. Here’s how to calculate how many bags of our compost you should order:

Standard Garden Plot or Beds:
To calculate how much compost you need for a 2" top dressing for a standard garden plot or beds, determine cubic feet by multiplying length by width in feet by 0.17 (or 2”, your top dressing), multiply by 7.5(gallons in a cubic foot), then divide this number by 5 (gallons in bag of compost), or:
( ( (L x W) x .17 ) x 7.5 ) / 5

Bulk Compost Calculator

If you need more than 40 bags of compost, bulk compost may be a more cost effective option for you. We deliver anywhere between 1 and 8 yards of bulk compost in Philadelphia and it’s surrounding suburbs. Check here for pricing!

For Circular Spaces:
To calculate how much compost you need for a 2" top dressing on a circular space, determine the area of your circle using standard formula, then follow the above formula to determine how much compost you need, or:
( (πr^2) x .17 ) x 7.5 ) / 5 )


Our vermicompost (aka worm compost) is hand-crafted by our busy team of worms! Worm compost is dryer than our traditional compost, has the consistency of ground coffee, and smells like fresh rain. Add a 1/2” top dressing to your houseplants and other indoor foliage each growing season.

For Houseplants:
To calculate how much vermicompost you need for a 1/2” top dressing on your houseplants, measure the diameter of your containers and input the total number of containers you have that size. When in doubt, round up! If you have extra, just store it in a cool, dry place until next time.

Have compost questions, plant problems, or need a little help to get your garden started? Let's talk! Send us an email with your question and details about your setup, and we'll get back to you ASAP!