Frequently Asked Questions
We make composting at home easy!
Q: I want to do this but I really want the finished compost to use in my garden. Can you guys hook me up?
A: Yes! Each spring we return some finished compost to our customers who want it for free. The last two years we have given each customer who wanted it 10 gallons worth of compost. Additional compost can be purchased by members at a discount.
Q: Doesn't the city pick up my food waste as part of the standard trash service? Why should I compost?
A: Composting is the most environmentally friendly method of disposing of food waste. Organic material that does end up in landfills (like from the city's collection) breaks down, releasing methane. Methane emissions from landfills are a leading contributor to climate change. Composting your food waste also produces a useful product, compost, that is an extremely productive, all natural fertilizer. We like to think of composting as Recycling 2.0. Many of our customers report that they reduce their trash by nearly half!
Q: I have a fairly irregular schedule. Do I have to be home for the pickup or when will my pickup be?
A: Pickups are based on the neighborhood in which you live and are done during the night. You put your bin outside your house or apt by 9PM on your neighborhood's pickup day. Our compost fairies come in the night and whisk away your food waste, leaving the empty container for you to retrieve in the morning.
Q: Composting sounds great! What can I compost?
A: Residential customers should refer to The List. If they have questions about something not on the list, they can email or call us. For commercial customers we can handle any kind of food waste as well as many of the other items on The List.
Q: I only have a little bit of space. How big is the collection container?
A: Our standard collection container is 5 gallons in volume. It is around 14" tall and 12" in diameter. It has a lid that seals but is fairly easy to take on and off. If this container will not work for your space, contact us and we may be able to work something out.
Q: I'd like to try this out but I am worried that I will have to stop for any number of reasons. Do I have to make a long-term commitment?
A: Absolutely not. We offer the service on a month-to-month basis. You are welcome to cancel at any time. However, we find that it works so well for most people that they stick with it as long as they live in Philly.
Q: I love this idea. And I think my neighbor would too. But neither of us produces a lot of food waste. Can I share a container with a neighbor?
A: Of course. If you and your neighbor don't produce a lot of food waste and want to share a container, go for it.
Q: So you guys make composting cheap, simple and convenient. What's the catch?
A: You have to live in Philly.